Bluebonnet‚™ Super Earth® Brewer‚™ Yeast Powder provides a select strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is carefully grown on certified non-GMO sugar beet molasses instead of the typical grain-derived brewer‚™ yeast that is recovered from the beer-brewing process. Grain-derived brewer‚™ yeast tends to be particularly bitter in taste due to the nature of the grains used, such as barley and hops. Bluebonnet‚™ non-GMO, premium brewer‚™ yeast provides a toasted, non-bitter, savory flavor without any artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors and can be incorporated into any recipe to improve texture and nutritional value. It provides a vegan source of high-quality protein that not only encompasses all of the essential amino acids, but also dietary fiber and a wide array of vitamins, such as most of the B vitamins including folate, as well as macro and trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, chromium, selenium and zinc. Bluebonnet‚™ Super Earth® Brewer‚™ Yeast Powder is the perfect whole food addition to any healthy diet, providing the opportunity for complete and balanced nutrition. Available in easy-to-mix powder for maximum assimilation and absorption.
- Contains Unflavored, Unsweetened, Unfortified, Non-GMO Brewer‚™ Yeast Powder that is Carefully Grown on Non-GMO Sugar Beet Molasses
- Nutritional Support 
- 1 lb Canister, 15 Servings
- Soy-Free, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher Certified, Dairy-Free, Vegan
- Free of milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans
- Also free of corn, gluten, barley and rice